Curriculum and Instructional Materials
School Curriculum
Online Programs Used at LES
Closegap (social-emotional check-in)
GoNoodle | Home (brain breaks and physical activities)
Generation Genius | NSTA (science lessons)
ReadWorks (reading practice)
Free Online Reading Passages and Literacy Resources (commonlit.org) (reading practice)
Ducksters (social studies activities)
Get 40K+ of the Best Children's Books, Videos & More | Epic (getepic.com) (reading practice)
Reading Plus - Adaptive Literacy Program - Hybrid Learning (reading intervention)
Raz-Kids (reading practice)
Reading A-Z: The online reading program with downloadable books to print and assemble | Reading A-Z (reading practice)
Starfall Education: Kids Games, Movies, & Books K-3 (skills practice)
Economic Empowerment Through Education | Junior Achievement USA (ja.org) (guidance class)
Harmony SEL (guidance class)
Path To College Events - collegefortn.org (guidance class)
We Do Listen (guidance class)
Edpuzzle (science and math videos)
Khan Academy | Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice (skills practice)
Freckle by Renaissance | Reach Every Student at Their Level (math practice)
SplashLearn: Fun Math & ELA Program for PreK-Grade 5 (math practice)
Quizizz - The world's most engaging learning platform (practice quizzes and tests)
Mystery Science (science lessons)
Log In (getepic.com) (reading practice)
Storyline Online - Home (reading practice)
Vooks (reading practice)
Other Resources
Highlights Magazine (reading practice)
Scholastic Storyworks Magazine (reading practice)
SuperSTEM Magazine (integrated reading practice)