It's Tomahawk Trot week!
Help us thank our feature sponsors for today!

Shout out to Adopt-A-Class volunteer Ms. Jan who was kind enough to bring in molasses for the kids to try! Fourth grade has started their American Revolution Unit and have been talking about The Sugar Act. It was passed by British Parliament and placed a tax on sugar that the colonists had to pay! #ProgressOverPerfection #FabulousFourthGrade

Parents and Family Members:
Please complete this form to pre-register adult guests for Friday's Tomahawk Trot:
If we have your information in our Raptor system, we will have your visitor badge ready for you.
Thank you again for you all your support!

It's Tomahawk Trot week! Huge thanks to all our sponsors!!
Here are some of our students displaying the banners for some of our sponsors. We will be featuring a few sponsors each day this week leading up to Friday.

Mrs. Hampton's first graders use flash lights to put a fun spin on reading.

What is multiplication you may ask? Well, the second graders this week have figured it out. It's repeated addition!

Fifth grade has so many outstanding students that were recognized today for having perfect attendance or being on the honor roll for the 3rd nine weeks! #fifthgrade #loudonpride #buildyourlegacy

This Friday is our Mother (or someone special) Son Dance! This is open to all LES students in pre-k through 5th grade. We hope to see you there!

We love our sponsors!

We love our sponsors!

We love our sponsors!

We love our sponsors!

We love our sponsors!

We love our sponsors!

We love our sponsors!

We love our sponsors!

We love our sponsors!

We love our sponsors!

We love our sponsors!

We love our sponsors!