El Portal para Familias TCAP/EOC es un recurso gratuito en línea desarrollado por el Departamento de Educación de Tennessee para informar a las familias sobre las fortalezas y áreas de crecimiento de sus estudiantes Este recurso contiene información valiosa, como: Puntuaciones en la escala TCAP/EOC y niveles de rendimiento por materia; Funciones de historial de pruebas que permiten a las familias seguir el progreso a largo plazo; Enlaces a Guías para Padres; y Recomendaciones para los pasos siguientes, incluyendo enlaces a pruebas de práctica. Los resultados de TCAP de primavera 2024 para los grados 3-8 no estarán disponibles hasta el 12 de julio, y para los EOC el 15 de julio, excepto para las materias de matemáticas de EOC. Los resultados de matemáticas de primavera 2024 no estarán disponibles hasta septiembre de 2024. Una guía detallada para las familias en español está disponible en https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/education/testing/tnready/FamilyAssessmentPortal_ParentBrochure_SPANISH.pdf (Spanish)
8 months ago, Loudon Elementary School
The TCAP/EOC Family Portal is a free, online resource developed by the Tennessee Department of Education to inform families of their student’s strengths and areas for growth. This resource has valuable information including: TCAP/EOC scale scores and performance levels by subject; Test history features allowing families to track progress over time; Links to Parent Guides; and Next Step recommendations, including links to practice tests. TCAP Spring 2024 Results for grades 3-8 will not be available until 7/12/2024, and for EOC on 7/15/2024, except for EOC Math subjects. Spring 2024 Math results will not be available until September 2024. A detailed guide for families is available at https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/education/testing/tnready/FamilyAssessmentPortal_ParentBrochure%20(v2).pdf (English)
8 months ago, Loudon Elementary School
Girls' Basketball Practice
9 months ago, Loudon Elementary School
The transportation department has provided us with tentative bus information for summer learning camp. Bus routes can be viewed on our website under Live Feed. As a reminder, the first day of summer camp is May 28th.
9 months ago, Loudon Elementary School
bus routes
bus routes
bus routes
The transportation department has given us tentative pick up and drop off times for summer learning camp buses. If you have questions, call the school at 865-458-2001.
9 months ago, Loudon Elementary School
bus routes
bus routes
bus routes
Field Day is Friday, May 10th. K-5 classes will participate in competitions in the gym and on the soccer field. Grade level times are pictured. Our gym bleachers are inaccessible. Parents should bring a lawn chair for soccer field events. All adults should have a picture ID and wear a visitor badge at all times.
9 months ago, Loudon Elementary School
field day
We ask that visitors pre-register for our end-of-year events. The linked form should be completed for each adult in attendance. All adults should still bring photo ID to all school events. https://forms.office.com/r/giQcpnZKPQ
9 months ago, Loudon Elementary School
end of year events
LES will host Summer Learning Camp / Camp Staycation beginning on May 28th. Summer Learning Camp is a fun way for students to close learning gaps and accelerate learning for their upcoming grade level. Sign your students up here: https://forms.office.com/r/3KUFQwLcfc
10 months ago, Loudon Elementary School
school mascot
We have our final Student Supports (FRC, Launch, & CSH) newsletter of the school year. There are tips for test anxiety, stress, and lots of great info!! Please share with your staff and families. https://www.smore.com/n/7sv2z
10 months ago, Loudon Elementary School
FLMS basketball tryouts
10 months ago, Loudon Elementary School
basketball flier
See flyer for how to get notifications from LCSO!
10 months ago, Loudon Elementary School
sheriff dept flyer
Round up details!
10 months ago, Loudon Elementary School
round up
round up
No school for students on March 5th.
11 months ago, Loudon Elementary School
no school
One more dress up day at LES! Kick off NSBW with Hawaiian day on 3/4.
11 months ago, Loudon Elementary School
Hawaiian dress up day march 4
Our Scholastic Book Fair begins on Friday, February 23rd. Students will shop during their library time. Parents can pay via eWallet or send cash. https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/loudonelementarylibrary
12 months ago, Loudon Elementary School
Coming soon! We will celebrate Read Across America February 26 through March 1.
12 months ago, Loudon Elementary School
read across america flyer
LCSO has a new app. There is a section for school information as well as other helpful links.
about 1 year ago, Loudon Elementary School
sheriffs dept app
Student Supports Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/st8ma
about 1 year ago, Loudon Elementary School
student supports newsletter graphic
College and Career Week!
about 1 year ago, Loudon Elementary School
dress up days